Several of my clients are on restricted diets and I shared this wonderfully simple tomato sauce recipe I have been working on today with one of them. Enjoy!
Butternut squash is an EXCELLENT tomato substitute! This "tomato sauce" recipe can be made with only the squash and the tomatoes omitted if necessary and still tastes great! I find adding tomatoes to the butternut squash sauce rounds out the flavor really well. I am working on a similar sauce with acorn squash that makes somewhat of an Alfredo sauce. I'm still working out the details though, sorry, don't mean to bait you all!!
1/2 small Butternut squash
2 tomatoes (preferably organic because they taste better
and have more minerals and less acid)
Vinegar (any kind... I use rice vinegar)
Cooking wine or Cooking sherry (or any wine or sherry...
I use Mirin, a Japanese rice cooking wine)
salt and pepper
herbs (like your favorite dried italian herb mix or
chopped fresh ones like parsley, basil, oregano, sage, or cilantro)
Chicken or veggie broth (or water or milk.... really any
1) Cook butternut squash (roast, grill, or steam).
It cooks much faster if you cube into very small chunks
2) Dice tomatoes very small. Put in a small sauce pan with 1-2 tablespoons (a "splash") of vinegar. If the tomatoes are not very "juicy", add a little water. Simmer on med-low with a lid on, stirring occasionally until paste like. Be careful not to burn when it starts cooking down. Turn the heat down if it cooks down before it becomes paste-like. It often helps to peel the tomato and cut out the harder center part out before putting it in the pot to cook.
3) Combine cooked squash and cooked tomatoes in a small blender or food processor. Add 1/2 tsp to 1 tsp wine/sherry (pour just a tiny amount in if you don't want to measure it out) and enough broth/liquid to thin it out to your desired sauce consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste and herbs to taste (this is the fun part because you get to taste it between each addition!).
4) Serve over pasta or any recipe calling for tomato sauce. This makes 1-2 servings of sauce, depending on the size of your 1/2 squash.
And..... just for fun..... if you want to make
ketchup.... add liberal amounts of vinegar and plain white sugar and a little
bit of ground cloves. Have fun!
I like to use canned whole tomatoes when making any sort of tomato based sauce since the tomatoes tend to come from better stock than what the average person can buy from the grocery store.
Should I modify the recipe if I do this, and are there any considerations I should consider regarding the canning process if I'm cooking for a person with food allergies? Thank you!
Canned food contains a variety of toxic chemicals and preservatives that can aggravate anyone very sensitive. Its a case by case basis (I personally am too sensitive to tolerate canned food)
If you used canned tomatoes, I would only use a little bit and drain most of the liquid away. Vinegar would be mostly unnecessary because the citric acid and other preservatives (not all are listed on the ingredients list) in the canned food is already very acidic. The recipe is designed to provide a tomato-like sauce that replaces tomatoes because of the natural high acidity or because of intolerance/allergy to tomato entirely. It uses a few small fresh ones for those who tolerate tomato to expand the taste and round it out. Using organic tomatoes will likely be much more nutritious and higher quality than canned tomatoes (and less salt!), according to the recent government studies last year based on mineral density in organic versus non-organic. I am not a huge advocate of organic, but tomatoes are one of the few vegetables that I prefer organic!
Hope that helps!
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