Saturday, February 2, 2008


I truly hate insurance companies. So, when I dropped out of school (for medical leave, mind you!) I, obviously, stopped being a student. My health insurance, up until this point, has been covered by my mother. But the catch is is that I have to be a student to be covered by my parent(s). Otherwise, deal is off!

So, it seems that my health insurance is invalid! Well, the plan is an HMO anyway and since I am no longer a New York resident (I switched to Ohio) and I live out of state (currently California), the plan is useless. When I arrived in wonderful SoCal I applied to get my own insurance here. The thing is... I have a "pre-existing" condition, meaning, something is wrong with me and the issue is not resolved. So I am therefore denied medical insurance. Twice. what?!?!? Kind of a catch-22. I drop out of school for medical leave and am dropped and denied health insurance because I am sick.

To make matters worse, I'm not sick enough to get disability benefits, but I'm not well enough to work or study at school. Uhg.

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